What to Do When You’re Locked Out of Your Car

What To Do When You're Locked Out Of Your Car - 24hourlocksmithmelbourne.com.au

Being locked out of your car can be a frustrating and stressful experience. Whether you lost your keys or accidentally left them inside the vehicle, it’s important to know what to do in such situations. One of the first steps you should take is to call an emergency locksmith.

Emergency locksmiths are trained professionals who specialize in opening locked cars quickly and efficiently. They have the right tools and equipment to open any type of car lock without causing damage to the vehicle. When you call an emergency locksmith, they will usually arrive within 30 minutes or less, depending on your location.

Once the emergency locksmith arrives, they will assess the situation and determine the best way to open your car door. They may use specialized tools such as slim jims or air wedges to manipulate the locks without damaging them.

Dealing with Car Lockouts: When to Call an Automotive Emergency Locksmith

Locking yourself out of your car happens more often than most people realize. Automotive locksmiths have years of experience dealing with all lockouts, from simple key-in-the-car scenarios to complex broken ignition problems. That’s why if you are in this situation then the best course of action is to call an automotive emergency locksmith with the proper training and tools to unlock your car door quickly and efficiently.

  1. Your Keys Are Locked Inside the Car If your keys are locked inside the car, it’s best to call an automotive emergency locksmith. Trying to retrieve your keys yourself can cause damage to your car, especially if you don’t have the right tools. A locksmith has the necessary tools and experience to retrieve your keys without causing any damage to your vehicle.
  2. You’ve Lost Your Car Keys Losing your car keys can be a stressful situation, especially if you don’t have a spare. In this case, it’s best to call an automotive emergency locksmith who can provide you with a replacement key. Locksmiths have the knowledge and equipment to make new keys on the spot.
  3. Your Key Is Broken If your key is broken inside the lock, it’s best to call an automotive emergency locksmith. Trying to remove the key yourself can cause further damage to the lock, which can be costly to repair. A locksmith can remove the broken key and provide you with a new key if necessary.
  4. Your Car Lock Is Malfunctioning If your car lock is malfunctioning, it’s best to call an automotive emergency locksmith. A locksmith can diagnose the problem and provide you with a solution. Attempting to fix the lock yourself can cause more damage, which can be costly to repair.

when faced with a car lockout situation, it’s best to call an automotive emergency locksmith. As they’ll know exactly which methods work best for each particular make and model of car.

What Is Being Locked Out?

Being locked out of a car refers to a situation where a person is unable to gain access to their vehicle because the doors are locked and they do not have the key, key fob, or other means to unlock the doors. This can occur if the keys are lost, or misplaced, or accidentally lock your keys inside the car. 

In some cases, people may have a spare key, but in other instances, people often need to call an emergency locksmith or roadside assistance service to help them unlock the car and regain access to it.

How To Prevent Locking Yourself Out

Nobody wants to be locked out of their car. It’s a stressful and inconvenient experience that can throw off your day. To avoid this situation, here are some tips you can follow:

  • Always have a spare key: Keep a spare key in a safe place, such as your purse or wallet, or with a trusted friend or family member. This can be a lifesaver if you accidentally left keys in the car.
  • Use a keyless entry remote: Consider using a keyless entry remote to lock and unlock your car. This can help prevent you from locking your keys inside the car since you won’t need to physically insert a key into the lock.
  • Develop a routine: Get into the habit of checking your pockets or purse before locking your car. Make sure you have your keys in hand or on your person before you lock the doors.
  • Use a lanyard: Attach your keys to a lanyard that you can wear around your neck or wrist. This will help ensure that you always have your keys with you and won’t accidentally set them down somewhere and forget them.
  • Be mindful of automatic locking: Many cars have an automatic locking feature that engages after a certain amount of time. Be mindful of this feature and make sure you have your keys with you before the car automatically locks.

By following these simple tips, you can help prevent the frustration and inconvenience of locking yourself out of your car.

Solutions For Getting Back Into Your Car

If you find yourself locked out of your car, here are some solutions to help you regain access:

  1. Stay calm and retrace your steps: First, take a deep breath and try to remember where you might have left your keys. Sometimes, a moment of clarity can help you find them.
  2. Check for unlocked doors and windows: Before attempting any other solutions, double-check all doors and windows to see if any are unlocked or open.
  3. Call for roadside assistance: If you have a membership with a roadside assistance service, call them for help. They usually have the tools and expertise to unlock car doors without causing damage.
  4. Contact an emergency locksmith: If you don’t have roadside assistance or prefer a quicker solution, call a local emergency locksmith. They have specialized tools and skills to unlock car doors. Keep in mind, this option can be costly.
  5. Use a “Big Easy” or “Slim Jim” tool: These tools are designed to unlock car doors by manipulating the lock mechanism inside the door. However, using these tools requires some knowledge and experience, and may cause damage if used improperly.
  6. Attempt the “string method”: For cars with pull-up locks, tie a slipknot in a piece of string, slide it through the door’s edge, loop it around the lock, and pull it up. This method is not always effective and can be challenging to execute.
  7. Break a window (last resort): As a last resort, you may need to break a window to regain access to your car. Choose the smallest and least expensive window to replace, and use a blunt object to break the glass. Ensure you wear gloves and eye protection and be aware that this method poses risks to both you and your car.

Calling An Emergency Locksmith

In situations where you’re locked out of your car and unable to access it through any other means, calling a professional locksmith is often the best solution. Let’s explore the advantages of using a locksmith, how to determine when it’s necessary to call one, and tips for choosing a reputable service provider.

When to Call a Locksmith

  1. No spare key: If you don’t have a spare key or can’t access it in a timely manner, a locksmith can help you unlock your car and create a new key if needed.
  2. Roadside assistance unavailable: If you don’t have a membership with a roadside assistance service or they can’t reach you promptly, a locksmith is a viable alternative.
  3. Complex locking systems: Modern cars often have sophisticated locking mechanisms that may require a locksmith’s expertise to unlock without causing damage.

Costs and Benefits of Using a Locksmith

  1. Expertise: Professional locksmiths have the knowledge and tools necessary to unlock your car without causing damage to the lock or door.
  2. Fast response time: Many locksmiths offer 24/7 services and can often reach you within 30 minutes to an hour.
  3. Key replacement: In addition to unlocking your car, a locksmith can also create a new key or reprogram a key fob if necessary.
  4. Cost: While locksmith services can be expensive, especially for emergency calls, the peace of mind and professional assistance are often worth the investment.

DIY Methods for Unlocking Your Car

In some cases, you might want to consider unlocking your car by yourself. While this can be a more cost-effective solution, it’s important to remember that DIY methods carry risks and may not always be successful. Here are some DIY techniques for unlocking your car:

Using “Big Easy” or “Slim Jim” Tools

These specialized tools are designed to unlock car doors by manipulating the lock mechanism inside the door. The “Big Easy” tool is a long, flexible rod with a loop at one end that can be used to grab the door handle or lock button. The “Slim Jim” is a thin, flat metal strip with a hook at one end, used to slip between the window and the door to access the lock mechanism.

To use these tools, carefully slide them between the window and the weather stripping on the door. Then, maneuver the tool to reach the lock mechanism and manipulate it to unlock the door. Keep in mind that using these tools requires some knowledge and experience, and improper use may cause damage to your car’s door or lock system. It’s also worth noting that these tools may not be compatible with all car models, especially those with advanced security features.

The “String Method” for Cars with Pull-Up Locks

For vehicles with pull-up locks, the “string method” can be an option. To perform this technique, you’ll need a strong piece of string or shoelace, preferably at least three feet long. Tie a slipknot in the middle of the string, creating a loop that can tighten when pulled.

Carefully wedge the top corner of the car door open just enough to slide the string inside. You can use a plastic spatula, doorstop, or another non-abrasive item to create a gap. Then, maneuver the loop over the lock pin and tighten the slipknot around it by pulling both ends of the string. Once the loop is secure, pull the string upward to lift the lock pin and unlock the door.

This method can be challenging to execute, especially for those with limited experience or dexterity. Additionally, it’s not always effective, as some car models may have mechanisms that prevent this technique from working.

Warnings and Potential Risks of DIY Methods

While DIY methods can save you money, it’s essential to be aware of the potential risks involved. Using these methods without the necessary knowledge or experience may lead to damage to your car’s door, lock, or security system. In some cases, this damage can be costly to repair and may even void your vehicle’s warranty.

Before attempting any DIY methods, weigh the risks against the benefits and consider whether professional assistance might be a safer, more reliable option.

How To Unlock Your Car Without A Key

Employing A Key Fob

A key fob is a small electronic device that provides keyless entry to your vehicle. It typically contains buttons to lock and unlock the doors, as well as other functions such as opening the trunk or activating a panic alarm. If you have a key fob, it can make getting back into your car a breeze.

  1. Keeping a Spare Key Fob
  1. Having a spare key fob can be a lifesaver in case you lose or misplace your primary one.
  2. Store the spare key fob in a secure location, such as your home or with a trusted friend or family member. 
  3. Consider investing in a key fob cover or case to protect it from damage or wear.

Replacing a Key Fob Battery 

  1. If your key fob is not working, the battery may be dead or weak.
  2. Most key fobs can be easily opened to replace the battery. 
  3. Check the owner’s manual or consult a professional for guidance on replacing the battery.

Programming a New Key Fob 

  1. If you need a new key fob, you can purchase one from a dealership or a reputable online retailer.
  2. Some key fobs can be programmed at home using a series of steps outlined in the owner’s manual, while others may require professional programming by a locksmith or dealership.

Attempting An Inflatable Device Entry

If you’ve exhausted all other options and are still locked out of your car, attempting an inflatable device entry may be the right avenue to pursue. Attempting to use an inflatable device, such as an air wedge, is another method for unlocking your car door when you’re locked out. This method involves creating a small gap between the car door and the frame, then using the inflatable device to widen the gap enough to insert a tool to unlock the door.

Here’s how to attempt an inflatable device entry:

Gather Necessary Tools

Before you begin, you’ll need the following items:

  1. An air wedge or inflatable pump wedge
  2. A long-reach tool or a straightened coat hanger
  3. A non-abrasive object like a plastic doorstop or spatula

Create a Small Gap

  1. Carefully insert the non-abrasive object into the top corner of the car door, between the door and the frame.
  2. Gently pry open the door just enough to create a small gap, being cautious not to damage the paint or weather stripping.

Insert the Inflatable Device

  1. Slide the deflated air wedge into the gap you’ve created, with the valve facing outward for easy access.
  2. Make sure the air wedge is positioned vertically along the door’s edge, as this will provide the most effective leverage.

Inflate the Device

  1. Slowly pump the air wedge using the built-in hand pump or a separate inflation tool. As the device inflates, it will create a larger gap between the door and the frame.
  2. Monitor the gap closed to avoid over-inflation, which could cause damage to the door or frame.

Insert the Long Reach Tool

  1. Carefully insert the long-reach tool or straightened coat hanger into the gap created by the inflated air wedge.
  2. Maneuver the tool to reach the door lock, handle, or button, depending on your car’s locking mechanism.
  3. Once you’ve located the lock, manipulate the tool to unlock the door.

Deflate the Device and Remove Tools

  1. After successfully unlocking the door, carefully deflate the air wedge by releasing the valve.
  2. Remove the air wedge and long-reach tool from the door.
  3. Close the door gently, ensuring that it seals properly.

Warnings and Potential Risks

While using an inflatable device to unlock your car can be an effective method, it’s essential to be aware of the potential risks involved. Improper use of the tools can cause damage to your car’s door, frame, or weather stripping. Additionally, attempting this method without experience may not be successful, and you may need to seek professional help anyway.

Before trying this method, carefully assess the risks and consider whether calling a professional emergency locksmith or using your roadside assistance service might be a safer and more reliable option.

What To Do If A Child Or Pet Is Locked In The Vehicle?

Suppose you find yourself in a situation where a child or pet is locked inside your car. In that case, it’s essential to act quickly and carefully. 

If a child or pet is locked in a vehicle, it’s important to act quickly and calmly, as the temperature inside a closed car can rise rapidly, leading to heatstroke or other serious health issues. Follow these steps to ensure the safety of your child or pet:

  1. Assess the situation: Determine the condition of the child or pet inside the vehicle. If they appear to be in distress, overheating, or having difficulty breathing, the situation is an emergency, and you need to act quickly.
  2. Call for help: In an emergency situation, call your local emergency number immediately. Inform the dispatcher about the situation, provide your location, and follow their instructions.
  3. Attempt to unlock the vehicle: While waiting for help to arrive, try to unlock the car using any available method, such as a spare key, key fob, or lockout assistance service. If you have a membership with a roadside assistance program like AAA, contact them for immediate help.
  4. Alert bystanders: If you’re in a public place, ask bystanders for help or if they have any tools that could be used to unlock the vehicle. Someone nearby may have experience or resources that can assist you.
  5. Break a window if necessary: If the situation is critical and you need to gain access to the vehicle immediately, consider breaking a window. Choose the window furthest from the child or pet to minimize the risk of injury. Use a blunt object, such as a tire iron or hammer, to break the glass. Make sure to cover your hands with a cloth or wear gloves to protect yourself from injury.
  6. Stay with the vehicle: Do not leave the vehicle unattended. Stay with the child or pet until help arrives or you can successfully unlock the car.
  7. Prevent future incidents: To avoid similar situations in the future, create a routine of checking the backseat before locking your car, always keep a spare key in a safe and accessible location, and never leave your child or pet unattended in a vehicle, even for a short period.

Remember, time is crucial in these situations, so act quickly to ensure the safety of your child or pet. Calling for help and attempting to unlock the vehicle are your top priorities in such an emergency.

Long-Term Strategies For Avoiding Future Lockouts

To minimize the chances of getting locked out of your car in the future, consider implementing the following long-term strategies:

  • Develop a routine: Establish a habit of always placing your keys in the same location when not in use. Consistent routines can help you avoid misplacing your keys and reduce the risk of lockouts.
  • Make a spare key: Create a spare key for your car and keep it in a safe and accessible location. You can store it at home, with a trusted friend or family member, or in a secure key storage device like a key lockbox.
  • Use a key finder: Attach a Bluetooth-enabled key finder to your car keychain. This device can help you locate your keys using your smartphone if they are misplaced or lost.
  • Keyless entry system: Many modern cars offer keyless entry systems or smartphone apps that allow you to unlock your car without a physical key. Consider upgrading your vehicle to a model with these features or installing an aftermarket keyless entry system.
  • Roadside assistance membership: Join a roadside assistance program. These memberships typically include lockout assistance and can save you time and money in the event of a lockout.
  • Share a spare key: If you share your vehicle with a spouse, family member, or friend, provide them with a spare key. This way, they can come to your aid if you’re locked out.
  • Regular maintenance: Periodically check your car’s locks, doors, and key fob to ensure they are in proper working condition. Replace any worn-out components or batteries as needed to avoid potential lockout issues.
  • Train yourself: Learn and practice different lockout techniques, such as using a Slim Jim or string method, so you’re better prepared if you face a lockout situation in the future. Keep in mind that practicing these techniques may be illegal in some jurisdictions, so be sure to verify local laws before attempting any DIY lockout methods.

By implementing these long-term strategies, you can greatly reduce the likelihood of experiencing a car lockout and be better prepared if one occurs.


24 7 Emergency Locksmith Services To Help in Car Lockout In Melbourn

When it comes to car lockouts in Melbourne, you want the best locksmith service available. At 24 Hour Locksmith Melbourne, our team of highly qualified and experienced experts provides a fast, friendly, and professional service that can help you get back on track quickly and safely. Our services are available 24/7, so no matter what time of day or night you have an emergency, we’ll be there for you.

Our comprehensive range of services includes:

  • Lock installation, repair, and replacement
  • Re-keying
  • Key cutting
  • Master key systems
  • High-security locks
  • Safe opening and installation
  • Door installation and repair
  • Auto Locksmith
  • Car Locksmith
  • Emergency Locksmith
  • Commercial Locksmith
  • Residential Locksmith

We understand how stressful car lockouts can be and do everything possible to ensure your crisis is resolved as quickly as possible. With state-of-the-art tools, car programmers, and a wide range of locks, our well-trained team can handle any job with ease and professionalism. Plus, our transparent pricing policy allows you to know exactly what you’re paying for, eliminating any unpleasant surprises.

At 24 Hour Locksmith Melbourne, customer satisfaction is always our top priority. We stay up-to-date with the latest industry developments and use only the best products available, so you can trust us to provide unparalleled service and unmatched dependability.

If you find yourself in need of reliable and timely locksmith service in Melbourne, don’t hesitate to contact us right away. Our friendly team is always ready to help!

Please contact us at 0466-344-447 or quote@24hourlocksmithmelbourne.com.au.



Being locked out of your car can be a stressful experience. Still, with the proper knowledge and preparation, you can ensure it doesn’t happen again. Knowing how to prevent lockouts in the first place is a key pun intended! Taking steps like keeping spare keys in a secure location or using services such as an emergency locksmith company can help save time, money, and hassle if you ever find yourself without access to your vehicle.

If all else fails and your car remains inaccessible, don’t panic, remember that solutions are always available for getting back inside. Solutions like inflatable devices, professional replacements, and emergency locksmiths provide quick relief when needed almost like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day.

By understanding what causes lockouts and being proactive about implementing strategies to avoid them in the future, you’ll never have to worry about being stranded outside your car again. This will give you peace of mind; it’s akin to having a guardian angel always watch over you!